Training Courses
Field Trip to Northern Ireland
Instructor: Ray
Duration: 3 days
Audience: geologists, geo- & petrophysicists, petroleum engineers
Prerequisites: general knowledge of geology and stratigraphy
The variety of the geology of Northern Ireland is unsurpassed in any other district of similar size in the British Isles and includes every geological system from the Moinian to the Quaternary with the exception of the Cambrian.
Structurally the area is to a great extent a south-westerly extension of Scotland, though the sharp topographical divisions made by the great faults which bound the Central Valley of Scotland are somewhat blurred in Ulster by the occurrence of Carboniferous, Mesozoic and Tertiary Formations which overlap the Caledonian boundaries.
Duration: 3 days
Audience: geologists, geo- & petrophysicists, petroleum engineers
Prerequisites: general knowledge of geology and stratigraphy
The variety of the geology of Northern Ireland is unsurpassed in any other district of similar size in the British Isles and includes every geological system from the Moinian to the Quaternary with the exception of the Cambrian.
Structurally the area is to a great extent a south-westerly extension of Scotland, though the sharp topographical divisions made by the great faults which bound the Central Valley of Scotland are somewhat blurred in Ulster by the occurrence of Carboniferous, Mesozoic and Tertiary Formations which overlap the Caledonian boundaries.
Reservoir Engineering
Instructor: Thomas
Duration: 5 days
Audience: geologists, geo- & petrophysicists, production engineers
Prerequisites: general knowledge of petroleum engineering
This five-day course is designed for all petroleum engineers to introduce technical professionals to the fundamental aspects of reservoir engineering. Theoretical concepts coupled with numerous practical case histories are presented to assist reservoir and exploitation engineers in their primary functions - the understanding of Fluid- Pressure- Temperature effects, permeability, rel. perms & SCAL as well as the determination of oil and gas reserves and the maximization of hydrocarbon recovery under primary, secondary, and tertiary schemes.
The necessity of Reservoir Development & Management Plans will be elaborated and developments of conventional vs. unconventional reservoirs be covered. The application of horizontal wells and a number of new technologies will also be reviewed. The sessions will include a number of relevant class problems and examples.
Duration: 5 days
Audience: geologists, geo- & petrophysicists, production engineers
Prerequisites: general knowledge of petroleum engineering
This five-day course is designed for all petroleum engineers to introduce technical professionals to the fundamental aspects of reservoir engineering. Theoretical concepts coupled with numerous practical case histories are presented to assist reservoir and exploitation engineers in their primary functions - the understanding of Fluid- Pressure- Temperature effects, permeability, rel. perms & SCAL as well as the determination of oil and gas reserves and the maximization of hydrocarbon recovery under primary, secondary, and tertiary schemes.
The necessity of Reservoir Development & Management Plans will be elaborated and developments of conventional vs. unconventional reservoirs be covered. The application of horizontal wells and a number of new technologies will also be reviewed. The sessions will include a number of relevant class problems and examples.
Reservoir Modeling & Simulation
Instructor: Thomas
Duration: 5 days
Audience: reservoir engineers & geologists
Prerequisites: general knowledge of petroleum engineering
This 5-days course is designed to introduce the participants to the theory and practice of reservoir modeling and simulation. Participants will learn about the fundamentals of reservoir simulation, the development of simulation programs, and how to select the proper model for a simulation study. This course also covers data preparation, grid design, calibration of the reservoir model, forecasting of future performance, and interpretation of simulation results.
Participants will also be acquainted with several advanced topics including: pseudo-relative permeability and capillary pressure, understanding the contemporary reservoir simulation practice, waterflooding concepts and its applications, and the Classical and computed aided history matching approaches. Upscaling and simulation techniques will also be discussed.
The course focuses on PETREL and ECLIPSE (both SLB trademarks) as pre and postprocessor for workshops and hands-on exercises, but shows alternatives like RUBIS (KAPPA Eng.) and tNavigator (RFD), too. All these tools demonstrate key factors in reservoir simulation and the use of simulators to investigate various reservoir engineering and reservoir management principle.
Duration: 5 days
Audience: reservoir engineers & geologists
Prerequisites: general knowledge of petroleum engineering
This 5-days course is designed to introduce the participants to the theory and practice of reservoir modeling and simulation. Participants will learn about the fundamentals of reservoir simulation, the development of simulation programs, and how to select the proper model for a simulation study. This course also covers data preparation, grid design, calibration of the reservoir model, forecasting of future performance, and interpretation of simulation results.
Participants will also be acquainted with several advanced topics including: pseudo-relative permeability and capillary pressure, understanding the contemporary reservoir simulation practice, waterflooding concepts and its applications, and the Classical and computed aided history matching approaches. Upscaling and simulation techniques will also be discussed.
The course focuses on PETREL and ECLIPSE (both SLB trademarks) as pre and postprocessor for workshops and hands-on exercises, but shows alternatives like RUBIS (KAPPA Eng.) and tNavigator (RFD), too. All these tools demonstrate key factors in reservoir simulation and the use of simulators to investigate various reservoir engineering and reservoir management principle.
Instructor: Dirk
Duration: 5 days
Audience: geologists, geo- & petrophysicists, petroleum engineers
Prerequisites: general knowledge of geology
Field Development GeoMechanics
Fracture Gradient Methods
Geomechanics Introduction
Pre-drill Pore Pressure Prediction
Duration: 5 days
Audience: geologists, geo- & petrophysicists, petroleum engineers
Prerequisites: general knowledge of geology
Field Development GeoMechanics
Fracture Gradient Methods
Geomechanics Introduction
Pre-drill Pore Pressure Prediction
Production Optimization
Instructor: Stuart
Duration: 5 days
Audience: production technologists, production & reservoir engineers
Prerequisites: general knowledge of petroleum engineering, prior knowledge of PROSPER and GAP software would be an advantage, but not essential.
Attendees should bring laptop computers equipped with the latest version of PROSPER and GAP Software from PETEX (Petroleum Experts Ltd.). Alternatively, we can arrange for rental of PETEX Software (subject to additional rental charges).
This course introduces Nodal Analysis and shows how it can be used to quickly investigate and identify opportunities to optimise well and field production performance. It includes a basic introduction to Nodal Analysis theory but the main emphasis is on practical application of this powerful technique to solve “real world” problems.
Optimisation exercises will be based on natural flow and gas lift as these readily demonstrate the interaction – and potential conflict – between wells producing via a common system. Examples will be provided but attendees are encouraged to bring their own “problem wells” for group discussion.
Given the practical nature of this course it is especially useful to engineers who have recently attended a Petex course and are seeking a deeper understanding of how to apply Nodal Analysis in practice.
Note: Attendees may bring other, equivalent Nodal Analysis software instead, provided they are suitably proficient with it. Please contact us beforehand to discuss suitability.
Duration: 5 days
Audience: production technologists, production & reservoir engineers
Prerequisites: general knowledge of petroleum engineering, prior knowledge of PROSPER and GAP software would be an advantage, but not essential.
Attendees should bring laptop computers equipped with the latest version of PROSPER and GAP Software from PETEX (Petroleum Experts Ltd.). Alternatively, we can arrange for rental of PETEX Software (subject to additional rental charges).
This course introduces Nodal Analysis and shows how it can be used to quickly investigate and identify opportunities to optimise well and field production performance. It includes a basic introduction to Nodal Analysis theory but the main emphasis is on practical application of this powerful technique to solve “real world” problems.
Optimisation exercises will be based on natural flow and gas lift as these readily demonstrate the interaction – and potential conflict – between wells producing via a common system. Examples will be provided but attendees are encouraged to bring their own “problem wells” for group discussion.
Given the practical nature of this course it is especially useful to engineers who have recently attended a Petex course and are seeking a deeper understanding of how to apply Nodal Analysis in practice.
Note: Attendees may bring other, equivalent Nodal Analysis software instead, provided they are suitably proficient with it. Please contact us beforehand to discuss suitability.
Artificial Lift (Method Selction)
Instructor: Stuart
Duration: 3 or 5 days
Audience: production & reservoir engineers, project managers, facility engineers and interested parties
Prerequisites: no specific requirements, familiarity with artificial lift – either technically or as an interface (e.g. facilities engineers) is advantageous
Artificial lift (AL) calculations often show that more than one method is capable of delivering production rate targets, so how to select the most appropriate lift method? (E.g. capital vs. operating cost, equipment availability, physical size & weight, company familiarity with method, synergy with existing AL methods, technical support from the equipment vendor, local infrastructure, etc.)
Each field development is unique. This course therefore focuses on process rather than the technical aspects associated with AL method selection. It:
A real-life example is used to provide a basis for group discussion.
Duration: 3 or 5 days
Audience: production & reservoir engineers, project managers, facility engineers and interested parties
Prerequisites: no specific requirements, familiarity with artificial lift – either technically or as an interface (e.g. facilities engineers) is advantageous
Artificial lift (AL) calculations often show that more than one method is capable of delivering production rate targets, so how to select the most appropriate lift method? (E.g. capital vs. operating cost, equipment availability, physical size & weight, company familiarity with method, synergy with existing AL methods, technical support from the equipment vendor, local infrastructure, etc.)
Each field development is unique. This course therefore focuses on process rather than the technical aspects associated with AL method selection. It:
- Provides a framework to aid the decision-making process. A systematic and scalable method is introduced that can be used to capture and maintain a list of key factors that influence each stage of the decision-making process; the method provides managers with an overview of key factors while helping engineers to minimise the risk of something critical being overlooked.
- Shows the importance of establishing realistic, field-specific objectives.
- Discusses the process of prioritisation.
- Identifies the interfaces between various technical disciplines, thereby highlighting the need for an integrated approach.
- Demonstrates how the iterative nature of the AL method selection process requires strong and continuous communication between all relevant parties.
A real-life example is used to provide a basis for group discussion.
ESP Design
Instructor: Stuart
Duration: 5 days
Audience: production technologists & engineers
Prerequisites: general knowledge of petroleum engineering (prior knowledge of ESPs is helpful, but not essential)
There is much more to selecting an ESP system than picking a pump size! This course introduces the main components of a typical ESP assembly and covers the basics of equipment selection. Also covered are factors that influence ESP run life and what steps can be taken during the design process to maximise equipment uptime.
Depending on course participants and – to the extent that time allows – there will also be discussion on operational aspects of the ESP Life Cycle such as equipment transport, installation, start-up, monitoring and evidence collection for post-failure retrieval. (note: failure analysis will not be covered, as this would require a separate course.)
Duration: 5 days
Audience: production technologists & engineers
Prerequisites: general knowledge of petroleum engineering (prior knowledge of ESPs is helpful, but not essential)
There is much more to selecting an ESP system than picking a pump size! This course introduces the main components of a typical ESP assembly and covers the basics of equipment selection. Also covered are factors that influence ESP run life and what steps can be taken during the design process to maximise equipment uptime.
Depending on course participants and – to the extent that time allows – there will also be discussion on operational aspects of the ESP Life Cycle such as equipment transport, installation, start-up, monitoring and evidence collection for post-failure retrieval. (note: failure analysis will not be covered, as this would require a separate course.)
Well Planning and Evaluation
Instructor: Ray
Date/Duration: 3days
Audience: geologists, engineers & others involved in well operations
Prerequisites: minimum of 2-3 years industry experience
An exploration, appraisal or production drilling program normally has its origins from subsurface. The exploration or exploitation manager holds the funds for the project however the skills required to get the well drilled usually lie in other departments. Commonly a project team is put together headed by a drilling manager. Subsurface and drilling goals need to be aligned In order for the project to progress smoothly. As part of this process key information needs to pass from subsurface to the project team in a timely manner to allow contacting and long lead items to be ordered. Good well planning requires data.
This course focuses primarily on the importance data acquisition; for the successful drilling of the well; for the evaluation of the prospect; to build up a regional picture of rock properties for further exploration and appraisal opportunities.
Date/Duration: 3days
Audience: geologists, engineers & others involved in well operations
Prerequisites: minimum of 2-3 years industry experience
An exploration, appraisal or production drilling program normally has its origins from subsurface. The exploration or exploitation manager holds the funds for the project however the skills required to get the well drilled usually lie in other departments. Commonly a project team is put together headed by a drilling manager. Subsurface and drilling goals need to be aligned In order for the project to progress smoothly. As part of this process key information needs to pass from subsurface to the project team in a timely manner to allow contacting and long lead items to be ordered. Good well planning requires data.
This course focuses primarily on the importance data acquisition; for the successful drilling of the well; for the evaluation of the prospect; to build up a regional picture of rock properties for further exploration and appraisal opportunities.
Coaching & Mentoring
Instructor: Ray, Thomas and Stuart
Duration: flexible
Audience: geologists, geo- & petrophysicists, production & reservoir engineers
Prerequisites: general knowledge of G&G and/or petroleum engineering
Coaching is a special form of development in which a person called a coach supports a learner or client (coachee) in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance.
Occasionally, coaching may mean an informal relationship between two people, of whom one has more experience and expertise than the other and offers advice and guidance as the latter learns; but coaching differs from mentoring in focusing on specific tasks or objectives, as opposed to more general goals or overall development.
Duration: flexible
Audience: geologists, geo- & petrophysicists, production & reservoir engineers
Prerequisites: general knowledge of G&G and/or petroleum engineering
Coaching is a special form of development in which a person called a coach supports a learner or client (coachee) in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance.
Occasionally, coaching may mean an informal relationship between two people, of whom one has more experience and expertise than the other and offers advice and guidance as the latter learns; but coaching differs from mentoring in focusing on specific tasks or objectives, as opposed to more general goals or overall development.
Mentoring Petrohysics
Instructor: Ray
Duration: flexible
Audience: geologists, geo- & petrophysicists
Prerequisites: basics of petrophysics
Mentoring is the most efficient and cost effective training available. Receiving hands on tuition and guidance on real project data sets ensures the maximum retention of the training by the employee. The firm benefits in that employee time is lost attending a training course, progress on important projects is maintained and quality of work is enhanced. The employee is encouraged to reflect on the process to continuously improve the methodology. Experiential learning has been proven to be the most effective form of learning there is, by far.
Duration: flexible
Audience: geologists, geo- & petrophysicists
Prerequisites: basics of petrophysics
Mentoring is the most efficient and cost effective training available. Receiving hands on tuition and guidance on real project data sets ensures the maximum retention of the training by the employee. The firm benefits in that employee time is lost attending a training course, progress on important projects is maintained and quality of work is enhanced. The employee is encouraged to reflect on the process to continuously improve the methodology. Experiential learning has been proven to be the most effective form of learning there is, by far.